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19-3月-2013An Attentiveness Perspective in Metapragmatics of Im/politeness FUKUSHIMA, Saeko; 福島, 佐江子
2003An Integrated Approach to EFL Teacher Education : Learning through Tasks, Reflection, and CooperationNAKAI, Motohiro; The Tsuru University; 中井, 基博
20-10月-2015Appropriate Tool Use in Speaking Tasks for PairsHywel, EVANS
19-3月-2013Art of Writing-Kurt Vonnegut の “Tom Edison’s Shaggy Dog” を通して-吉岡, 亜希; YOSHIOKA, Aki
19-3月-2017Autism Spectrum Disorder and High Confidence Gene FactorsMai, MOCHIZUKI
1-3月-2019BIMSTEC(ベンガル湾多分野技術協力イニシアティブ)首脳会談首脳宣言の研究(1997年~2014年)水野, 光朗; MIZUNO, Mitsuaki
2013Biolinguistic Minimalist Syntax今井, 隆; IMAI, Takashi
30-3月-1999CDーROMのネットワーク利用-5年間の利用の中からの評価-杉本, 光司; SUGIMOTO, Teruji
19-3月-2010CSRとしてのマネジング・ダイバーシティ野畑, 眞理子; 都留文科大学; NOHATA, Mariko
20-10月-2017Cultural Identity and Student Language Support in Oral Productive Tasks: Questioning the “Zero-Sum Game” MentalityBrian, BERNING; Hywel, EVANS
-Culture and Society in Asia水野, 光朗; MIZUNO, Mitsuaki
9-4月-2018Culture and Society in Asia V (Course Outline)Mizuno, Mitsuaki; 水野, 光朗
1-3月-2020Dependency from Biology to Linguistics今井, 隆; IMAI, Takashi
1-3月-2018Diagrammatic Calculus for Order-sorted Logic寺川, 宏之; 吉岡, 卓; TERAKAWA, Hiroyuki; YOSHIOKA, Suguru
20-3月-2001EFLにおけるインタビュー分析鷲, 直仁; WASHI, Naohito
1-3月-2020Emic Understandings of Attentiveness and its Related Concepts among American Students:A Comparison with Those among Japanese Students福島, 佐江子; FUKUSHIMA, Saeko
1-3月-2019Exploring the Relationship between New Zealand Education Reform and the International Baccalaureate原, 和久; HARA, Kazuhisa
19-3月-2011External mitigation: Supportive moves in Japanese requestsFUKUSHIMA, Saeko; 福島, 佐江子
20-3月-2012Formulaicity of Language: Its Pervasiveness and the Processing Advantage in Language Use奥脇, 奈津美; OKUWAKI, Natsumi
2008From Teaching to Coaching : Toward an Alternative Conception of TeachingTAKAYA, Keiichi; The Tsuru University; 高屋, 景一
検索結果表示: 60 - 79 / 751
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