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タイトル: 思慮と感受性―功利主義の現代的可能性と課題―
別タイトル: Prudence and Capacity for Feelings: Actual Possibilities and Issues of Utilitarianism
著者: 石井, 史比古
著者別名: ISHII, Fumihiko
言語: ja
NCID: AN00149431
掲載誌名: 都留文科大学研究紀要
刊行日付: 2011-10-22
号: 74
ISSN: 0286-3774
開始ページ: 83
終了ページ: 99
抄録: Egoism is one of the challenges for Utilitarianism. But it is impossible for Utilitarianism to derive its binding force from itself, so Utilitarianism needs some subordinate principles to bind Egoisms on it. The subordinate principles of Utilitarianism are the external or internal sanctions, and these sanctions are based on some human natures. On this paper, we think about Prudence and Capacity for feelings. The latter, J. S. Mill makes much of this, which cultivates people by enlighten seem to be too optimistic. On the other hand, Prudence is generally expected to constitute human ethics. But today, this well-balances view becomes questionable. We will clear the issues to face the hard problem which is concern with Capacity for Quality of Feelings.
資料タイプ: Departmental Bulletin Paper
著者版フラグ: publisher
URI: http://trail.tsuru.ac.jp/dspace/handle/trair/561


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